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Tumba de Tutankhamun.

  • 05 16, 2023

túmulo de Tutankhamun 

The Tomb of Tutankhamun (ca. 1336-1327 BC), the Tomb of the Eighteenth Dynasty, is world famous because of its relatively untouched royal tomb in the Valley of the Kings. In 1922 Howard Carter's discovery made headlines around the world and continued with gold and other luxury objects found in this tomb. The tomb and its treasures are emblematic of Egypt and it remains a major archaeological find to this day to uncover the tomb.
descoberta do túmulo de Tutankhamun 

Despite its wealth, Tutankhamun's tomb, number 62 in the Valley of the Kings, is actually very modest in terms of size and decoration compared to the other tombs at this site. This is most likely because Tutankhamun was young and only in office for about 10 years.

fotos do túmulo do rei tut

It is worth asking what the much larger tombs, such as Hatshepsut, Thutmosis III, Amenhotep III and Ramesses II, of the greatest kings of the New Kingdom ever contained.
There are no further decorations on the walls of the burial chamber. Tutankhamun's tomb is only a single scene, unlike most previous and later royal tombs, richly decorated with burial text such as the Amduat or The Book of Gates, which contributed to the afterlife of the deceased King. The rest of the tomb decoration depicts the funeral, or Tutankhamun, along with the different deities.

In any case, the small size of the tomb meant that the artifact was about 3,500. That tiny tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) led to a great deal of speculation. After the death of his successor, the high official Ay, a tomb (Kv23), originally intended but not yet completed, was buried to Tutankhamun at the time the young king died. In turn, the same argument was made for the grave of Horemheb, Ay's successor (KV57). If so, it is unclear for whom Tutankhamun's final tomb, KV62, was carved, but it has been argued that there was already a private tomb or storage area that was then enlarged to receive the king.
However, the small size of the tomb meant that the approximately 3,500 artifacts discovered within it were stacked very tightly. This reflected the lifestyle of Tutankhamun's royal palace with artwork, toys, vessels made of a variety of materials, carts, armed devices, and other items such as clothing, gems, cosmetics, incense, and furniture, chairs, and arms.

 Tutankhamun, a relatively small king born out of history by being associated with the unknown King Akhenaten, came to surpass many of Egypt's greatest rulers. It is one of the great ironies of history.
Once contained 2,500 meters (500 m), Thutmose III and Amenhotep III.

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Clique no link para saber mais informações sobre O Vale dos Reis que é considerado uma das maiores áreas de exploração arqueológica relacionada com a Egiptologia nos últimos dois séculos, depois de ter sido apenas uma atracção turística nos tempos antigos (especialmente nos dias da era romana), apesar da sua grandeza, mas não mais de onze túmulos foram totalmente documentados Depois de conhecer todos os detalhes relacionados com ele e os seus proprietários.

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Viagens do Egito FAQ

Ler mais viagens do Egito FAQs

Sim, você pode ver a tumba de Tutankhamon, pois ela está disponível para visitantes. Três das oito tumbas reais disponíveis são visitadas como parte de seu ingresso para o Valley of the Kings.

A tumba de Tutancâmon foi descoberta pelo arqueólogo britânico Howard Carter. Após anos de busca, Carter finalmente encontrou a entrada da tumba no Vale dos Reis em Luxor, Egito.

O túmulo de Tutankhamon foi descoberto a 4 de novembro de 1922 pelo arqueólogo britânico Howard Carter. A descoberta do túmulo é considerada um dos achados arqueológicos mais significativos da história, uma vez que se encontrava praticamente intacto e continha uma vasta coleção de tesouros.


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