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Beni Suef Gouvernement Ägypten | Beni Suef Gouvernement Attraktionen

  • 05 16, 2023

Beni Suef was ab initio a little village that gently expanded and eventually changed into a prosperous town. It's placed solely 115km south of Cairo. because of Beni Suef's rural origin, it's still called a vital agricultural center. The manufacture of linen, cotton-spinning, and carpet-weaving have conjointly been major industries of this town for hundreds of years. However, with the increase of its population, several new industries are thriving in Beni Sueif. There are unit quarries within the close hills and therefore the manufacture of alabaster has become associated with the progressively massive business of the Beni Suef space. In spite of the new desert climate of this town, tourists throng there throughout the year to visualize the varied fascinating sights and attractions.

Medium Pyramid
This ancient pyramid advanced has been excavated at totally different times by numerous different Egyptologists (archaeologists specializing in ancient Egypt). it's believed that the Meidum Pyramid was made for swayer Huni, the last ruler of the Third kinsfolk. This pyramid has associate uncommon form, which is believed to be the result of 2 unplanned expansions. The distinctive form is additionally the explanation that this pyramid is additionally called ‘el-haram el-kaddaab’, which implies ‘Pseudo Pyramid.’ once the collapse of the foremost of this pyramid advanced, there's currently solely an outsized pyramid and a couple of mud-built Mastabas left for tourists to envision out.

A mastabah may be a flat-roofed, rectangular building, product of mud bricks, and its outward walls were inbuilt a sloping vogue. Mastabas were burial structures for distinguished ancient Egyptians who weren't royalty. curiously, within the Meidum Pyramid advanced some mastabas seem to be left unused and burial sites couldn't be found in these structures. In fact, this total Meidum Pyramid is incomplete, with partially polished walls within the sepulcher, an associated unfinished mortuary temple, and a missing natural depression temple. This has intrigued historians, Egyptologists, and tourists for several years.

Faiyum Oasis
This city is found one in every of the desert depressions of the Nile natural depression, that is fed by a channel from the Nile River. it's located terribly near Beni Sueif town and is noteworthy for the wealthy cultivation of figs, grapes, olives, and exquisite roses of terribly prime quality. The cultivation of cotton and several other types of cereal is created easier currently, because of the presence of the Assouan Low Dam. Lake Moeris or Birket Qarun (as proverbial within the native dialect) may be a massive supplier of giant quantities of seawater fishes, together with bulti or fish genus.

Large Mansions within the town
Tourists wish to visit many vast mansions in Beni Suef, that area unit fun to explore and area unit samples of classical Egyptian design. the foremost illustrious villa is Ismail Mansion, which is owned by General Ahmed Mamdouh Ismail.


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Ägypten-Touren FAQ

Lesen Sie Top Ägypten-Touren FAQs

Beni Suef ist ein Gouvernement in Zentralägypten, das zwar nicht so berühmt für seine Naturschönheiten ist wie andere Regionen, aber dennoch einige schöne Naturorte zu bieten hat:

   Den Nil: Beni Suef liegt, wie viele andere Gebiete in Ägypten, am Ufer des Nils. Bei einer gemütlichen Bootsfahrt oder einem Spaziergang entlang des Flussufers kann man die ruhige Schönheit des Nils und der umliegenden Landschaften genießen.

   Oase Fayoum: Die nahe gelegene Fayoum-Oase liegt zwar nicht im Gouvernement Beni Suef, ist aber eine malerische Wüstenoase, die für ihr üppiges Ackerland, ihre Süßwasserseen und Palmenhaine bekannt ist. Sie ist ein Ziel für Naturliebhaber und Vogelbeobachter.

   Wüstenlandschaften: Die Wüstenlandschaft von Beni Suef ist geprägt von Sanddünen, Felsformationen und trockenen Ebenen. Wenn Sie die Wüste auf geführten Safaris oder Ausflügen erkunden, können Sie die raue Schönheit der ägyptischen Wüste genießen.

   Landwirtschaftliche Felder: Beni Suef ist bekannt für seine fruchtbaren landwirtschaftlichen Flächen, insbesondere für Baumwoll- und Weizenfelder. Die leuchtend grünen Felder vor dem Hintergrund der Wüstenlandschaft bilden einen einzigartigen Kontrast.

   Lokale Dörfer: Die Erkundung der Landschaft von Beni Suef bietet die Möglichkeit, das traditionelle Landleben zu erleben, mit freundlichen Einheimischen in Kontakt zu treten und in die friedliche Atmosphäre der ägyptischen Landschaft einzutauchen.


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