Egyptian pharaohs

Egyptian pharaohs

The ancient Egyptian empire spanned more than 3,000 years and an estimated 170 pharaohs, from Narmer, who ruled in the 31st century BC, to Cleopatra, who ruled until 30 BC, and the role of the pharaoh in the empire was very important, exceeding the role of the typical king in terms of It extended to the religious and political spheres.

The pharaohs were religious and political leaders. It was the responsibility of the pharaoh to lead Egypt in religious and political affairs. These dual roles were accompanied by distinctive titles such as "the high priest of every temple" and "lord of the lands." As a spiritual leader, each pharaoh was expected to perform sacred rituals and function effectively as a conduit between the gods and the people, while at the same time political leadership included more real concerns such as legislation, diplomacy, and the provision of food and resources to the people.

The Great Pyramid is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only surviving one. It was constructed over a period of 10 to 20 years, starting around 2580 B.C. It was designed as a tomb Fourth dynasty pharaoh, Khufu. The Great Pyramid remains one of the largest structures ever built and an amazing testament to the architectural ambition and creativity of the ancient Egyptians.

Make-up for men and women Both male and female pharaohs wore make-up, most notably placing black eyeliner around their eyes. It is believed that this served several purposes: cosmetic, and practical (as a means to reduce light reflection), and it was also a spiritual process due to the fact that eye makeup was drawn on the almond shape. Strengthen their resemblance to the god Horus.

The ancient civilization is a pioneering civilization in its innovations, buildings, and arts, as it amazed the world and scholars with its thought and knowledge. Egypt was the first country in the ancient world that knew the principles of writing and invented letters and hieroglyphic signs.

The ancient Egyptians were keen to write down and record their history and the events they made and lived through. With this great civilizational step, Egypt moved from prehistoric times and became the first country in the world with a written history, and it has Fixed systems and is therefore considered by all standards the mother of human civilizations.

Egypt has its cultural, historical, and religious role, as it was the place that embraced the prophets, and the land on which their steps walked, so the father of the prophets Ibrahim, peace be upon him, came to it and married the lady Hagar, and Joseph, peace be upon him, came to it and became a minister and his father Jacob followed him to it, and the greatest dialogue between God Almighty took place.

The Almighty and Moses, peace be upon him, on its land, and to Egypt, the Holy Family, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ as a child, and Joseph the Carpenter, and they made a blessed historical journey in its land, and God Almighty chose Egypt in particular to be the fortified refuge that heaven wanted to be an oasis of peace and security always and a meeting place for the heavenly religions. Several civilizations followed on the land of Egypt, and Egypt was the cradle of the Pharaonic civilization, the incubator of the Greek and Roman civilization, a beacon of the Coptic civilization, and a protector of the Islamic civilization.

The people of Egypt have been characterized throughout history by the love, tolerance, friendliness, and generosity of these people, as the people of Egypt blended into one solid fabric.

You can enjoy the breathtaking scenery and enjoy beauty and civilization of the ancient Egyptians and watch the beauty of the temples and pharaonic statues through a trip from Luxor day tours.

You can visit the amazing monuments of Egypt and the beauty of Egypt through Egypt group tour packages.

You can also watch the beauty of Egypt from the most beautiful place in the heart of the Nile through Egypt Nile river cruise tours.

There are also many amazing classic areas in Egypt، Which you can enjoy of them through Egypt classic tours,   You can also make a camp in the most beautiful deserts of Egypt.    You can enjoy the beauty of Cairo and the amazing monuments inside it by making a trip from Cairo day tours.

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The succession of pharaohs in ancient Egypt followed a hereditary system, where power typically passed from father to son. The eldest or most eligible son of the pharaoh would be chosen as his successor. In some cases, when a pharaoh did not have a male heir, a close relative or high-ranking official could be designated as the heir. This process aimed to maintain stability and continuity within the ruling family and the kingdom as a whole. However, there were also instances of power struggles, rivalries, and the occasional rise of non-royal individuals to the throne.


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