Tuthmosis III in LuThe Tomb of King Txor
The Tomb of King Tuthmosis III in Luxor
The entrance to the cemetery is luxurious, located in a high place, then from the entrance to a vestibule, it descends sharply to the bottom, leading to a corridor that ends at a small room in the middle of which is a descending ladder, and from there to a small corridor and then to the good room, and this well was preventing the desert torrents from reaching the burial chamber and its valuable contents. It was also an obstacle in the way of tomb robbers. The ceiling of the good chamber was painted blue, with white stars, and its depth reached 6 meters.
In the royal tombs of Thebes, he found a unique, unused scene, which represents the king with his family members. The first scene represents King Tuthmosis with his mother, Queen Isis, who are in a boat in the other world, and they are preceded by two men, the first of whom bears the symbol of Nefertum, which represents the lotus flower and the second is the symbol of Horus They are in a boat in the other world and are preceded by two men, the first of whom bears the symbol of Nefertum, which represents the lotus flower, and the second is the symbol of Horus. yellow. It was written in the middle line between the hieroglyphic and hieratic lines, and its ceiling bears two columns, and there are four small rooms on either side of it, distributed at a rate of two rooms on each side.
As you can see the corridors of the movement of the ancient workers between the Valley of the Kings and their residence in Deir al-Madina. The worker who dug a tomb for the kings was a specialized worker and proud of being a servant in this place. There is a scene representing King Tuthmosis III, followed by three of his wives, they are “Mritre” and “Sat A’aj” and Neptu and finally his daughter Neferaru.
The rest of the facades of the first and second columns are filled with scenes from the Book of the Dead.
At the far end of the burial chamber is the sarcophagus made of red sandstone, which is also engraved, and the goddess Nut is represented on its base, raising her arms, and next to the coffin is its lid.
The sarcophagus was found empty, but the mummy of the king was later found in the Deir el-Bahari cache, and it is still present in the cemetery. The visitor can view it.
It is mentioned that the cemetery has the entire Book of the Dead written on its walls as if it were a papyrus affixed to the wall, predominantly yellow. In the depths of the earth, we find that the burial chamber has an oval shape.