Qasr El Labkha in El Kharga Oasis
Qasr El Labkha in El Kharga Oasis
The Kharga Oasis is an ideal place to take an interesting safari trip in the Western Desert, and visit ancient Egyptian places such as the Temple of Hibis, the Dush Temple, the Bujawat Cemeteries, Deir Al-Kashef, the Al-Labkhah Palace, Dabashiya, Umm Al-Dabdeeb Castle, the Monastery of Munira, the Natura Temple, the Palace of Zayyan, the Church Peace archaeological Prince Khaled Archaeological Cemetery, New Valley Antiquities Museum. The Al-Labkha area in the Kharga Center in the New Valley Governorate is one of the most famous hospital areas in the Oases due to the presence of sulfur water that gives energy and activity to the body.
The residents of the oases know that the "skylights of Ain El-Boukha" in the New Valley were a dowry for the daughter of the queen of the Oases, which the son of King Mina presented to her as a request from her father when she proposed to her engagement. Indeed, the work was accomplished, and it is a popular novel that is inherited by the people of the city of Kharga, from ancient times until now.
The area was called this "squirt" for planting trees, in the past, this region was visited by the ancient Egyptians, "and pointed out that tourists and foreigners flock to this well throughout the week.