Wekalet El-Ghouri in Cairo
Wekalet El-Ghouri in Cairo
Al-Ghouri Agency is considered a school for reviving artistic heritage, and it works to raise and prepare new generations of craftsmen who can carry the banner of the artistic heritage of the country and continue to dive into the Egyptian immortal and unique river of creativity.
Al-Ghouria Agency includes ten artisan departments at present and seeks to increase it with new sections to revive several crafts exposed to extinction, namely (Arabic script - fine carpentry - mother-of-pearl inlay - engraving on copper - tent decoration - stained glass plaster - folk jewelry - engraving on wood - Oyama - Unloading in minerals and woods - folk and traditional costumes).
Also, Al-Ghouri Commercial Agency is located on Al-Tblita Street in Al-Azhar, adjacent to Al-Ghury Architectural Group. The agency is a residential-commercial facility that has been used as a shelter for merchants from various regions, and the residential part is separated from the commercial in consideration of privacy.
This agency manifests the masterpieces of wood and stone arts in the late Mamluk era by roofing residential spaces, providing room and hall openings with Mashrabiyas and wooden windows executed in a lathe style, with Sultan Ghori (seal of the Sultanate) with the stone facades of the first floor, with the interface of the external agency distinguished using the famous stone method ( The exchange of stone colors) and its entrance, which reflects exquisite decorative elements in the relief of prominent and sunken stone.
The Ghori Sultan was fond of architecture, which made him leave a rare architectural heritage at the end of the Mamluk period and the beginning of the Ottoman Empire, not only in Egypt, but in Aleppo and the Hijaz countries, and most of them were charitable, and he also cared about fortifying Egypt,
so he established the Aqaba Fort and repaired the Castle of the Mountain and the towers of Alexandria, Khan al-Khalili completely renovated, or established it again, and repaired the dome of Imam al-Shafi’i and the Imam al-Layth mosque and established one of the beacons of the Al-Azhar Mosque.
Khan El Khalili
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